Woman Cleans Every Inch of Her Cabin Before Starting Her Cruise, Goes Viral on TikTok


You already KNOW how I do! Gotta get cleaning out the way! And my girl Julianna_Claire put me on to some new stuff!! 🧽🫧✨🚢 #clean #cleanwithme #cleaningmotivation #CleanTok #cleanhome #organizedhome #hotelcleaning #hotelclean #cleaningtips #cruise #asmr #cleaninghacks

♬ original sound – Niki’s Side Of Cleantok

Is it common to bring cleaning supplies to spruce up a cruise cabin during a vacation?

A TikTok personality from Niki’s Side of Cleantok captured attention by detailing how she extensively cleans her cruise ship cabin in a popular video. Boasting over 3 million followers, her account centers on themes of cleaning, organization, and self-care, catering to a community on TikTok known for its practical cleaning tips.

“I spend 20 minutes to make my cruise suite feel more comfortable. I have nothing but respect for the housekeeping staff; they do a thorough job but are pressed for time,” Niki explains in her trending clip.

Typically, cruise ship cabins are maintained daily, with thorough cleanings occurring between sailings from cabin stewards who handle numerous cabins each day. Despite this, some passengers prefer an additional layer of cleaning to meet their personal hygiene standards.

Practicing good hygiene on cruises is crucial, as the confined spaces can often harbor illnesses that spread quickly. Thus, a bit of cleaning effort can significantly contribute to a healthier trip.

Many, however, might view cleaning their cabin during a vacation as superfluous. For them, cleaning is a chore best left at home, and they may also resist packing cleaning supplies to save space in their luggage.

In a detailed explanation of her processes, Niki unpacks a small bag containing mini-sized cleaning products. She mentions doing this extra bit of cleaning gives her peace of mind during her 8-night stay on what appears to be a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, celebrating her anniversary with her husband. Her TikTok video has amassed over 8 million views, becoming a viral sensation with nearly 950k likes, 13.6k comments, and 50k shares.

To start, Niki uses a travel-sized sanitizing spray to disinfect her cabin

Niki tells her viewers that she often faces critique for her cleaning habits but reassures, “Some of you really dislike cleanliness, and that’s okay. These videos are intended for my friends who appreciate them.”

Before she begins, Niki equips herself with disposable cleaning gloves from SafeSkin, essential for the level of cleaning she demonstrates in her video.

Initially, she disinfects the door handles of her cabin, including the main and bathroom doors. She then proceeds to spray the light switches, which are frequent touchpoints prone to germ build-up.

Niki is also seen wiping down a phone and a cabinet in her cabin

Using a compact pack of disinfecting wipes, Niki starts by cleaning the phone on the bedside table. After clearing the grime from the buttons, she moves onto the phone receiver and then the TV remote, showing the surprising amount of dirt gathered on the wipes.

She next addresses a visibly unclean cabinet, cleaning its surface with the same disinfecting wipes and showing the residue collected.

She then inspects the bedding for bedbugs and applies a preventative spray on the mattress

Turning her attention to the bed, Niki first checks for bedbugs and, finding none, sprays the mattress with a preventative agent. She then sweeps a UV light sanitizing wand over the mattress to ensure all germs are eradicated. Niki replaces the regular bed sheets with disposable ones she brought along, emphasizing the convenience and hygiene of using her own bedding while traveling.

Further cleaning includes using more disinfectant spray and wipes on various surfaces

Niki continues her deep cleanse by spraying the cabin’s couch thoroughly with a disinfectant. Considering the frequency of different guests using the couch, such preventive cleaning seems justified for hygienic reasons.

“Cleaning my room during a vacation isn’t for everyone, but as long as it’s not up to my standards, I’ll keep it up,” Niki asserts.

She briefly cleans the cabin’s vanity with wipes before unpacking her belongings. Having thoroughly sanitized the high-contact surfaces, Niki proceeds to give the bathroom an in-depth cleaning.

Niki concludes with a comprehensive cleaning of her cabin’s bathroom

The bathroom cleaning involves wiping down the sink, faucets, and every part of the toilet, accessorizing with a portable scrubber for the shower floor. Even though the cabin is cleaned every day, Niki finds the extra scrub-down reassuring.

The cleaning spree garners support for taking extra measures for a hygienic environment

While bringing cleaning supplies on vacation might not be typical, supportive comments flooded Niki’s post, underscoring the overwhelming daily tasks of housekeepers and endorsing additional personal cleaning. A top viewer comment reads, “Thirty minutes of cleaning for a week’s peace of mind is absolutely worth it.”

Another viewer with housekeeping experience supported her, emphasizing the correctness of her actions against any detractors. While some viewers remained puzzled by the idea of traveling with disposable bedding, others expressed keen interest, considering it an eye-opening revelation.

Although a few viewers were unsure if they would adopt such rigorous cleaning habits themselves, the consensus tilted overwhelmingly towards support for Niki’s proactive cleaning measures, inspiring many to consider packing their own cleaning supplies for future cruises.

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